Saturday, April 30, 2011

May 2011

Men's Garden Club of Wethersfield
May 2011

Monday May 9 - Fred Odell's house at 41 Oldham Road, Wethersfield

Fred says it "will start at 6:30. Meal will be simple hot dogs (with an alternative), salad, beans, potato salad. Light beverages and on your own with BYO. Hopefully we can keep the meeting brief, eat while we meet, then get into the sale (and hopefully that will be brief also due to lack of goods). In the past this event included a "tag sale/auction" of GARDEN TOOLS (no trimmers allowed on the premises) which is fun; I will leave that up to your discretion to advertise or not. Rain is a problem I would rather not deal with so I won't. Fred 'I'm Trim Enough' Odell"

Today - Donate some perennials from your personal collection to the Plant Sale
Plants should be split and potted ASAP to look good for the sale. Please label all plants. Contact Fred Odell (860.529.6064) for official pots, potting soil, and plant labels.

Plant Sale Saturday May 7th (Rain Date May 14th)

7:00 - 8:00 Set Up Deliver homegrowns, unload plants, price plants, set up tables
8:00 - 1:00 Sell Help customers, total up sales, answer questions
1:00 - 2:00 Close Clean up, break down tables, pack up leftover plants
Volunteer! Contribute your own "homegrowns"
Call Tom Gibson @ 1-860-208-5195

Weston Rose Garden

Weekly maintenance will be done on Mondays this year
- beginning Monday May 30 through Monday September 26 - 8:00 to 9:30 followed by coffee at a local bistro. BYO tools. Your help is needed - this is our club's major community service project. Questions - Call Rocco Orsini (563-3246)

Mark Your Calendars for These Special Events

Gardeners' Appreciation Day! - Saturday, June 4 at 2pm
Carol Quish, a Master Gardner, Master Composter and Horticulturist at UCONN Home and Garden Center will present "Compost Happens" at 2pm at the Keeney Memorial Cultural Center - sponsored by the Wethersfield Historical Society.

Join Ken Etheridge (Our Eagle Speaker) - Saturday, June 4
Nature Walk. 8:00 am to about 11:00 am. Connecticut River Floodplain, Great Meadows Conservation Area, sponsored by Connecticut Audubon Center Glastonbury and Great Meadows Conservation Trust. Easy 3.0-mile walk over flat terrain. Join Ken Etheridge, GMCT naturalist, for an exploration of the meadow, marsh, and wooded habitats of the floodplain where as many as 50 bird species can often be spotted. Meet 8:00 am next to ferry landing at Ferry Park on Route 160, Rocky Hill. Bring beverage, snack, and bug spray; dress for the weather and ground conditions (long sleeves, long pants recommended). Conditions may revise or cancel. Visit or call CT Audubon Center, 860-633-8402, for up-to-date information. Leader Ken Etheridge,, 860-635-6751.

Compostable Matter
by Jim Meehan

The Mens Garden Club of Wethersfield wasn't always the world-renowned political and social juggernaut that it is today. Hard as it seems to believe, at one time this group was just one of many struggling civic organizations trying to build up its membership - and striving to get its name known by the public at large.

Which brings us to 21 May 1781, General George Washington, Lieutenant General Comte de Rochambeau, The Onion Maidens, and the event that first put the MGCoW on the worldwide stage.

As frequently happens when great ideas first come to fruition alcohol was involved.

Colonial American breakfasts were far different than the juice, eggs, cereal and bagels of today. The food was usually porridge, or cornmeal-mush and molasses. The "juice" was either hard cider or beer. Dinner was taken in the early afternoon and consisted in part of the same alcoholic libation.

So, by the time Ye Olde Mens Garden Club of Wethersfield gathered for its monthly meeting on that cold March evening in 1781 all of the members were pretty much buzzed, blotto and befuddled -- the three conditions that usually lead to someone shouting out one of these two sets of famous last words -- either "Hey guys, watch this!" or (even more deadly) "Have I got a great idea!"

All through the colonies word had spread that General Washington and the Comte de Rochambeau were searching for a propitious location at which to plan their latest strategy to win the Revolutionary War. Towns all across the northeast were hyping their best local attractions in an effort to lure the two warriors to their doorstep.

It was against that background that Roger Benjamin Enoch Dimmesdale, the first President of the garden club, rose unsteadily and in a barely intelligible voice, explained his "brilliant plan" to bring that pair of heroes to Wethersfield and, in the process, to lead his organization to the forefront of the organizational pack.

"Onion Maidens." He slurred loudly.

"Do you mean those sweet, innocent girls who weed and weep to harvest the red onions that grow so ubiquitously in our fields -- reaping the onions for the reward of a silk dress, or more likely, given the shortage of that lustrous fiber, things like chewing tobacco and snuff?" asked one of the more sober members.

"Well they don't know that. Now do they? For all they know the Onion Maidens could be even hotter than those Plowmates of the Month from that sordid Plowboy magazine that heathen Hughziah Hefner just started publishing. All it takes is a little creative PR campaign."

And it worked. Within two weeks both of the generals had made abrupt turns southward, and rushed to ye olde towne of Wethersfield as quickly as two entourages on horseback traveling badly marked dirt roads could travel.

The Onion Maidens however were not amused -- at all. They refused to participate in or even appear near any festivities involving the garden club or their distinguished guests. And the other women in town joined in the boycott.

Left to their own devices the MGCoW could only come up with a "Welcome Walk of Honor" through a cordon of club members and the few other townspeople that were still speaking to them. To decorate the route President Dimmesdale decided to strew the pathway with discarded skins from the Wethersfield Red Onions that he had desperately gathered from along the edges of the fields.

He failed however to anticipate the rain. It began two hours before the dignitaries' arrival and continued as a heavy mist throughout the procession.

The onionskins became slick with moisture. The generals -- already besotted in both senses of the word -- darted pell-mell up the slippery path in anticipation of socializing with the absent maidens. The inevitable happened.

First the French military hero, then the great American leader crashed to the ground ignominiously right at the feet of President Dimmesdale.

The location is today marked with a sign that reads "21 May, 1781 -- George Washington slipped here."

The Origins of Birth Month Flowers

The first flowers appeared on our Planet over 130 million years ago creating beauty, color and wonderful scents. Flowers have been given as gifts since time immemorial. It is believed that birthday celebrations originated in the Roman Empire and the origins of birth month flowers could be said to date back to these times. The birthday celebrations included honoring the Roman Gods and decorating their altars with flowers. During Roman birthday celebrations family and friends offered congratulations and brought gifts. The gifts included flowers - the first traditions and origins of Birth Month Flowers.

The language of flowers developed during the highly conservative period of the Victorian era. The Victorians were strongly restricted by the rules of etiquette when it was considered totally inappropriate to express feelings of love or affection. The "Language of Flowers" therefore evolved when a message was assigned to specific flower by which means a lover could send flowers which conveyed a hidden romantic meaning.

Flora was the Roman Goddess of flowers and her name continues to be used as a collective term for plant life and flowers. The festival of Flora, called the Floralia, was held in the month of April or early May and was marked with flowers. There were two temples dedicated to Flora in Rome, one was near the great Circus Maximus where chariot races were held and the other temple was on the slopes of the Quirinal Hill Month of January Flowers, the Carnation or Snowdrop, to celebrate New Year's Day, Epiphany (12 days after Christmas), Martin Luther King's birthday on the third Monday in January and even Golf Day on January 17

Month of February Flowers, the Violet or Primrose, to celebrate St Valentine's Day

Month of March, the Jonquil (aka Daffodil or Narcissus), to celebrate St David's Day on March 1,
St Patrick's Day on March 17 and Mothering Sunday, or Mother's Day ( the 4th Sunday of Lent)

Month of April Flowers, the Sweet pea or Daisy, to celebrate Easter, Good Friday, Palm Sunday and Passover

Month of May, the Lily of the Valley, to celebrate May Day on May 1 and Cinco de Maya on May 5

Month of June Flowers, the Rose, to commemorate D Day on June 6 and Father's Day on the third Sunday in June

Month of July, the Larkspur or Water Lily, to celebrate Canada Day on July 1 and Independence Day on July 4

Month of August Flowers, the Gladiolus or Poppy, to celebrate Friendship Day on the first Sunday in August , Sisters Day on Aug 5and Senior Citizen's Day on August 8

Month of September, the Aster or Morning Glory, to commemorate Patriot Day on 9/11 and celebrate Teacher's Day on September 4 and Grandparent's Day on the first Sunday after Labor Day on Sept 1

Month of October Flowers, the Calendula (Marigold), to celebrate Halloween on October 31 and Colobus Day on October 13

Month of November, the Chrysanthemum, to celebrate All Saint's Day on November 1 and Thanksgiving Day

Month of December Flowers, the Narcissus or Holly, to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year's Eve

The May Flower
Convallaria or Lily of the Valley

Botanically known as Convallaria, but also known as May lily, May bells, Our Lady's tears, Convall-lily, Lily Constancy, ladder-to-Heaven, Jacob's Ladder, male lily, muguet. The Lily of the Valley signifies a "return to happiness". Lily of the valley is much used in bridal arrangements for their sweet perfume. Traditionally associated with May 1st, especially in France where the "muguet" is handed out at special events.

The leaves of this small herb, arising from a slender creeping rootstock, are 10-15cm long with sheathed stalks; the leafless flowerstems support a one-sided spike of drooping, bell-shaped, white, sweet-scented flowers. It is found in woodlands throughout Europe and Asia from the Mediterranean to the Arctic circle, and is cultivated and naturalised throughout the world.

First cultivated in 1420, and is mainly available in April and May.

The fresh leaves have the most powerful action. Convallaria is a valuable heart remedy with an action similar to Digitalis but without its potential toxic effects, and was used to treat victims of gassing during the First World War as it reduces blood pressure. Although a word of caution, these leaves shouldn't be used unless by a qualified medical practitioner as they can have very harmful side effects if not treated correctly.

The flowers are also used in perfumery. In Chinese medicine, related species are used as a tonic. The red fruits are also highly poisonous.

Horti-Culture Corner (Point)

"Every year, back comes Spring, with nasty little birds yapping their fool heads off and the ground all mucked up with plants."
- Dorothy Parker

Ann's Organic Garden: Mole and vole control (Featuring "The Rodenator")
By Ann Lovejoy -

Some readers are not sure whether their garden damage comes from moles, voles or other tunneling animals. I recently asked naturalist Dave Pehling, an assistant Snohomish County extension agent and zoologist, about controlling these critters effectively, legally and safely.
Dave is something of an expert on the habits, damage, identification and control of soil mounders. He presents educational programs for Master Gardeners, who then teach the public what works and what doesn't.

Dave doesn't think much of the popular folk remedy of combining dish soap with castor oil (which has worked well for me). He says, "It does work for some people, but it doesn't produce consistent control. Some folks are lucky with it, others not."

He adds, "With a recent mole or vole invasion, something like that may drive them out, but with an established system of tunnels, it is not likely to work."

Dave explained that Northwest moles thrive on a diet rich in protein (rarely plant roots or shoots). They make large mounds of soil, and their tunnels may show up as depressions in a lawn or garden bed.

As insectivores, moles eat worms, slugs and bugs, including many garden pests. Though they favor prey that moves, moles also relish slug eggs, juicy tidbits that look rather like pop beads.

Though plants seldom attract foraging moles, an occasional Townsend's mole may eat tulip bulbs. However, most moles will refuse them even when the bulbs are offered to them in cages.
In contrast, voles are rodents, eating both plant material and some insects. The Townsend meadow vole makes tunnels but also cruises on the soil surface. The little creeping meadow vole is more apt to stay underground, often sharing mole tunnels.

"Gardens that border wild areas probably have both moles and voles," Dave notes. To find out what is bugging you, he suggests hanging a piece of apple from a stick laid across rocks to keep it above the ground. "If after 24 hours, you find the apple has been fed on, you'll know what you've got," he says. "Rodent teeth leave clear parallel marks. Moles would shred it; their teeth don't make the same line."

If voles are nibbling your tulips (often by borrowing mole tunnels), Dave says, "Plant tulips in baskets of quarter inch hardware cloth." Plant them right in the ground, and the bulbs will be safe (though deer might still eat the flowers).

He also suggests swapping tulips for daffodils. "All narcissus are highly resistant to voles and deer," he points out.

For reliable control, Dave recommends the kind of barrier described in last week's column. "Cut a trench and line garden beds with sheets of hardware cloth 18 to 24 inches wide," he says. "Bend half of it outward at the bottom of the trench and leave at least 3 inches sticking up above ground as well to foil Townsend's vole," which sometimes runs on the soil surface.

What about the many electronic devices on the market? "Many are noisy, and most offer variable results," Dave says. "The problem is that you must monitor behavior to succeed." Why? Well, moles spend most of the time underground, except when tunnel building in spring and fall. Surface-based vibrators and noisemakers simply don't bother moles living underground.

"If you have time, you can discourage tunneling moles by thumping an emerging mound hard with a shovel or a broomstick every time you see one being made," Dave notes. "However, moles are active 24 hours a day when tunneling, so not many people can keep up with them."

Flooding mole runs with a hose works well, but you need to stay vigilant, or the moles will simply return. The combination of mound flattening and tunnel flooding can be quite effective.
What about supposedly deadly imitation worms (rubbery things that look like candy worms)? Dave says, "They cost a couple of dollars apiece and are still only sometimes effective."

In the end, Dave suggests: "Try a variety of things. Moles are individuals, so experiment to see what works best." He cautions, "Even toxic baits are not consistently effective."

In small yards, Dave suggests placing a dozen mousetraps in existing mole runs, protected from other wildlife. "Bait them with apple slices to eliminate catches of shrews, which make excellent insect controls and don't tunnel or eat vegetable materials (except seeds). Shrews are voracious eaters of cutworms, slugs and slug eggs, and earwigs," Dave adds.

For sheer excitement, consider the "rodenator," a system that injects an explosive gas mixture into mole tunnels. A (licensed) operator then pushes a button that throws a spark and -- kablow! A long line of mole tunnel blows sky high. Check it out online at It's pretty much a guy thing.

For the rest of us, Dave suggests aiming for management, not control. "Definitely don't overwater," he says. "That encourages moles and wastes water. If soggy lawns are attracting moles, modify your irrigation system to water deeply and less often; most lawns need no more than an inch a week."

Debate rages about use of squirrel-detonating Rodenator in Spokane, Wash.

"For you animal rights activists and lovers out there, I want you to try this on for size," conservative talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh said on a recent broadcast. "This is a story from Spokane, Wash. They're having a problem with too many ground squirrels at the Finch Arboretum. I've never seen this word. A-r-b-o-r-e-t-u-m, what the hell is an arboretum?"

Limbaugh went on to discuss the Spokane, Wash., Parks and Recreation department's use of a machine called the Rodenator Pro to "detonate" squirrels it says are causing extensive damage to the arboretum, which has about 2,000 ornamental trees and shrubs. But while Limbaugh doesn't seem to mind the tactic, many others are crying foul. The Associated Press reports:
[Spokane Humane Society] Executive Director Dave Richardson sent a letter to the Spokane City Council, saying the detonations are a temporary and unethical response to a problem that could be solved by limiting the animals food supply.

The parks department said an overpopulation of squirrels is causing destruction at the arboretum, and blowing them up is the best way to deal with the problem.

"We didn't take care of the issue well enough over the last couple years, and it just allowed [the squirrels] to multiply," Parks and Recreation department director Barry Russell told the Spokesman Review. "The coyotes just can't keep up."

Russell emphasized that the Rodenator method is "the quickest way" for the animals to die. Previous attempts by the department to control the squirrel population have included pumping poisonous gas into the burrows and even lining the burrows with chewing gum it hoped would destroy the squirrels' stomachs and bring about their deaths, spokeswoman Nancy Goodspeed told the Spokesman Review.

The Rodenator Pro pumps a mixture of 97% oxygen and 3% propane into squirrels' burrows, then sends an electric spark that causes an explosion that kills the rodents and collapses the tunnels. Its manufacturer, Idaho-based Meyer Industries, says the system is both humane and environmentally friendly.

In addition to squirrels and gophers, Rodenator is used to kill voles, moles, prairie dogs, rabbits, armadillos, marmots, badgers, foxes and coyotes. The best part of the Rodenator, according to its maker? "The nice thing ... is that you never have to handle or see the dead animal after the process is completed," reads a statement on the Rodenator website.

"... The saber-toothed gopher is in deep trouble, because this is war," proclaims a video on its website. "Rodenator to the rescue!"

Help...There's a Duck Nest in My Flower Pot! What You Can Do To Help

[Some of you may remember several years ago when a family of Mallard ducks set up a nest in the bushes near the Weston Rose Garden. Last year my neighbor Ed had a similar incident in his front yard. Now a pair of Mallards is hanging around our bird feeders.]

OK, so the nest is THERE...Now what?

First, assuming you can live with the location, and are willing to make some lifestyle adjustments for the next five to seven weeks, your only necessary contribution is to minimize disturbance around the nest site. If Ma has homesteaded on your front porch, consider putting a barricade on the sidewalk to direct traffic to the back door. If she's in the back yard, set up an exclusion zone. If she is nesting in the lawn, consider letting the grass grow to provide concealment and minimize disturbance. (Heck, one biologist here got by without mowing the lawn for 12 years by convincing his wife that they had a mallard out there somewhere!)

If you must work around the nest, keep in mind that Ma will only be at the nest a short time each day during the laying period, and will leave the nest a couple of times daily to feed during incubation. Try to do whatever you need to do in the vicinity of the nest during her absences. But be careful where you step...once she covers the nest, your first indication of trouble may be yolk on your shoes.

Also, be aware that Ma is very likely to permanently abandon the nest if disturbed early in the laying process, but will become increasing less likely to abandon in response to disturbance as time goes on. Also, anything you can do to prevent predation will raise the odds in Ma's favor. Fully 80-90% of all nests fail because of predation. Dogs, cats, raccoons, skunks, rats, squirrels, crows, gulls, and (possibly) bluejays are likely culprits in a suburban setting. Keep your pets leashed and ask neighbors to do the same.

Fencing generally is not practical, but if you want you can erect a chicken wire exclosure when Ma is gone; just keep it 10 ft or so away from the nest and be sure to remove it a couple of days before the anticipated hatch date so that the brood can leave without delay. Also, if you accidentally flush Ma off of the nest, you can help protect the nest from avian predators by folding the edges of the nest over to cover the eggs. This will also help maintain a constant temperature during incubation.

Don't worry about leaving your scent on the nest...birds in general have a lousy sense of smell; the idea that a bird will abandon a nest that has been touched by a human is just an enduring myth.

That's really about it. Stand back and let nature take its course. Don't worry about feeding Ma or the kids...she wouldn't have nested if she didn't have a reliable food source. So the nest is on the second floor balcony? Not to worry; a 15-20 ft jump is nothing to a down-covered duckling. If you want, let the grass grow below the balcony to further cushion the landing.

Horti-Culture Corner (Counterpoint)

"Horticulturally, the month of May is opening night, Homecoming, and Graduation Day all rolled into one."
- Tam Mossman

May Q & A from

Q. About 8 weeks ago, I was given some AMARYLLIS bulbs. I have kept them in a cool environment for 8 weeks and would now like to plant them in my New England garden. I understand that they can bloom again in about six weeks. Can you please give me advice on how to plant them and if you think they will bloom again?
A. The Dutch hybrids bred mainly for pot culture can make good garden flowers in the South, but not so much in New England. There are garden versions of the amaryllis plant and these are hardier. The bulb as sold in the pot sometimes has a smaller younger bulblet attached to the main bulb, this often flowers later. Plant as you would a daffodil or tulip.
Q. Now that my tulips have lost their petals, they have gone straggly and generally makes my borders look messy. What is the best way to get rid of the unsightly stems? Is it safe to cut them down? Or should I tie them up with string? Or will they die off naturally? Also, the same question to Hyacinths. Should I cut down the stems and leaves?
A. Both tulips and hyacinths, cut off the flower stem straight after flowering but not the leaves, cutting off the flower stem stops seed production and allows the plant to concentrate on growing next years flower bud within the bulb, from the suns energy stored in the leaves.

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